Our Mission

Library Media Center Mission

In support of the DeSoto ISD mission, the Library Media Center's mission is to help each student excel and achieve maximum potential by creating a 21st century learning environment, fostering a love of reading, and promoting the effective use of information and communications technology.
Through collaboration, the library media faculty partners with the larger DeSoto ISD community to empower students in becoming lifelong learners, responsible citizens, and industrious problem solvers.
The school library media center supports and enriches the curriculum and the stated objectives of the DeSoto Independent School district by providing current materials and technologies to meet the information needs of the students and teachers.  Instruction is provided in locating, evaluating, and using information.  The center’s collection should be well-rounded and unbiased in presenting information on a variety of current and historical issues.  The library media specialist promotes the value of the library as an accessible source of information for lifelong learning and stimulates interest in reading for pleasure.

Our Goals are: 

  • To articulate and coordinate with classroom teachers to effectively use available resources for instruction

  • To provide a collection appropriate for users of materials by placing principle above personal opinion and reason above prejudice in the selection of quality materials

  • To provide a variety of materials that will enrich and support the curriculum, taking into consideration the varied interest, abilities and maturity levels of the learners served

  • To provide a planned program which will create in learners an interest in books and other types of media and to broaden this interest through service and guidance in a pleasant atmosphere

  • To provide materials that will stimulate growth in factual knowledge, literary appreciation, aesthetic values, and ethical standards

  • To serve as a working laboratory for the investigation of classroom topics, the satisfaction of intellectual curiosity, the needs of study and research, and the development of library skills

  • To provide information which will encourage and enable learners to think independently and develop intellectual integrity in forming judgments in their daily lives

  • To support the principles of intellectual freedom as expressed in the Library Bill of Rights of the American Library Association

Our Objectives

All objectives of the library resource curriculum are student based and support the DISD Mission Statement and the Library Media Center’s Philosophy and Goals.  The objectives that are detailed within the library curriculum stem directly from the library standards and instructional essential elements which support the classroom and library skills.